Texas Independence Day Tour and Guest Speaker
Saturday, March 1, 2025 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CST)
2025 marks the 165th anniversary of Salado. To celebrate we will have a guest speaker, Keith George, with a presentation about the Stillhouse Hollow Dam project and the relocation of the cemeteries from the valley along the Lampasas River. Many of Salado’s early settlers were buried in the lost cemeteries. Keith George is a member of the Bell County Historical Commission as Vice Chair and Chairs the Preservation and Grants Committees. Following the presentation, the museum will present a Salado's Texas History Day Tour of the museum and College Park. The museum staff will present a brief history of Texas Independence Day and the importance of Empresario Sterling Robertson involvement in establishing the Republic of Texas on March 2, 1836. Salado College was a huge factor in the settling of Central Texas and Salado specifically. The third part of the tour will continue to College Park just south of the museum. The college ruins are all that remains of our frontier college built in 1860. The statue of Colonel E.S.C. Robertson stands at the northwest corner of the Park along with other tributes to Salodoans. Registration is not required for this free event. Please wear comfortable shoes for the tour after Keith George's lecture
Salado Museum & College Park, Inc.
423 S.Main Street
Salado, TX 76571
423 S.Main Street
Salado, TX 76571
Saturday, March 1, 2025 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
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