2024 Jingle Walk
Friday, October 11, 2024 (10:00 AM - 6:00 PM) (CDT)
The Salado Ladies Community League is celebrating their 45th Christmas in October fundraiser with the Jingle Walk event. For 3 days, Walkers can leisurely stroll Salado's retail streets and get an early start on Christmas shopping. We hope you will take advantage of our beautiful shops and tasty restaurants for this 3 day event. You will get a commemorative shopping bag and a unique gift from each participating shop. Walkers will also be eligible for door prizes depending on their shopping experience. The more you shop, the better the prize! To qualify for a door prize, Walkers must have the Passport punched at all the participating stores. Walkers will also be entered for higher quality door prizes depending on the number of stores from which they make purchases. Follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/saladoladiescommunityleague) for more information, for previews of what the shops will have in store. Proceeds from this event will be given to the Salado community to support various organizations.
Tickets on sale September 1st

Salado, 76571